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For the JEE Advanced 2024, the expected cutoff and result expectations can be discussed based on trends from previous years and the general factors influencing them. Here are the key points to consider:

Expected Cutoff

  1. Previous Year Trends: Typically, the cutoff varies each year depending on the difficulty of the exam, the number of candidates, and seat availability in the IITs. In recent years, the cutoff for the Common Rank List (CRL) has ranged between 85 to 95 marks out of 360.
  2. Difficulty Level: If the 2024 paper is similar in difficulty to the previous years, the cutoff might fall within a similar range. However, a significantly tougher or easier paper could shift the cutoff accordingly.
  3. Normalization and Scaling: Adjustments may be made based on the performance of all candidates to ensure a fair evaluation.

Result Expectations

  1. Top Ranks: Candidates scoring in the top percentile (around 95-99.9) are expected to secure ranks within the top 5000. This typically requires scoring above 150 marks.
  2. Qualifying Marks: To qualify for JEE Advanced, candidates generally need to meet both the subject-wise and overall cutoff. For instance, if the cutoff is 90 marks, candidates might need to score around 10% in each subject (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) and meet the overall minimum.
  3. Seat Allocation: The seat allocation in IITs through JoSAA counselling depends on the rank, preferences filled, and seat availability. Higher ranks provide more flexibility in choosing preferred IITs and branches.

Key Considerations

  • Performance Variation: Each year sees a different batch of students with varying levels of preparation and performance, impacting the overall cutoff and rank distribution.
  • Reservation Policies: Cutoffs for different categories (General, OBC, SC, ST) vary, with reserved categories typically having lower cutoffs.


While predicting exact cutoffs and results is challenging without specific data from the 2024 exam, understanding these trends can help candidates gauge their expectations. Preparing thoroughly and staying updated with official announcements from the JEE Advanced authorities will provide more accurate guidance as the exam date approaches.

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